Saturday, March 10, 2007

Tripping feet tell their own stories.

Move over you all, who feel intoxication is a curse. Ask me who has won over so many friends as we all abide by this floating rule .And fortunate I am to share that with the best two friends here, two who do know me better than others.

And we sit, uncorking that genie once again who beg to obey our orders and all we ask “Honey, let us fly on your wings” Grudgingly she concurs. We make contorted faces and break into undecipherable laughter.

Then it all reels off once again. I feel we all are too egoistic to let it go. Let be ourselves without our feet firmly rooted in ground. Yeah we need that kick to launch us out of seemingly mortal orbit and enjoy a joyride close to lovely stars. “Huh being down to earth does not always help” I try to crack a pathetic joke justifiably it falls flat on dear friends.

And then we talk over every thing under the sun at dead night. We enjoy those arguments, relish every bit of that strives we have at these hours. We love it getting skinned by dear friends that too very bluntly sans any pity sans any concern.

As we discuss the beautiful music playing in background, I demur …..This won’t do and they chortle. I walk with swagger ever evident and close that mockery of a song. “ I want to hear that one” I declare. They unwillingly give in.

One of them goes out, guess he has too much work at hand. The second one confides in me “Ruchir, I know you all I comprehend you all he is so incomprehensible, why is he not so forthcoming and I am sure you know more than others” “Well, he is as close to me as to you” I counter with smile. He disagrees but his intuition has been deserted by logic and he throws in towel.

We end up arguing on good old Nirvana and Pink Floyd. As he pours another one to me and we pour much more than just some crystalline liquids, we feel lightened. Ha Cobain and Waters can make so many uncomfortable gatherings comfortable if well equipped with a ting of intoxication. I get a call and I talk as a titan would among debris. He winks and starts laughing uncontrollably.

Then we discuss all those good things we have never discussed for a while and which lends us so called intellectual high. I have droopy eyes and try to clutch to every reasonable fact. Another knock at the door, before someone hurls those bounties of expletives , let me rush on as I rush to welcome so unwelcomed guest.